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Advertising in Volgograd

Advertising on street

Bus stops
City boards
Boards 3×6

Advertising on transportе

Buses, minibuses
Trolleybuses, trams
Теплоходы, катера

Advertising on digital screens

Screens on the walls and roofs of buildings

Advertising in Volgograd and Volgograd region

Volgograd is the city on the west bank of the Volga, located in the south-eastern European part of Russia, the center of the Volgograd region. Hero City. Industry of Volgograd: fuel, metallurgical, chemical, machine building. Power system is developed, woodworking, construction, food industry. HideRead more

Types of transport in Volgograd: buses (serving the city and the region), trolleybuses (15 routes), taxis (150 routes), city train, light rail, as well as Metrotram. Through Volgograd pass federal highway "Caspian" / P 22 and "Caspian" / M21 included in the international road E 40. Volgograd is a large railway junction, linking five areas. River transport is important in the development of Volgograd. River port in Volgograd is the largest river station in Europe. International airport "Gumrak" affects the whole transport infrastructure in the region.

South Federal District
Volgograd region

Advertising in Volgograd and Volgograd region
Advertising in Volgograd and Volgograd region