a request

Advertising in Kazan

Advertising on street

Bus stops
City boards
Boards 3×6

Advertising on transportе

Buses, minibuses
Trolleybuses, trams

Advertising on digital screens

Digital billboards
3×6 m

Advertising in Kazan and republic of Tatarstan

Kazan is the sixth most populous city in Russia. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan, the largest city of the Volga economic region, a large financial, industrial, commercial and tourist center in Russia. The center of Kazan metropolitan area, with a population of 1.19 million people. The basis of industry: chemical, petrochemical, mechanical engineering. There are developed light and food industries in Kazan. There is located the largest IT park in the Russian and one of Europe's largest industrial park. Kazan is a leader in housing construction in the Volga region. Kazan is visited by over 1 million visitors every year. HideRead more

Kazan is one of the largest transport and logistics hubs in Russia. Federal motor highway M 7 / E 22 roads P 239, P 241, P 242 are passes through Kazan. The transport infrastructure includes: an international airport "Kazan", two railway stations - "Kazan-1" and "Kazan-2", two bus stations - "Central" and "Southern", bus stations. A large river port and the river station. In 2005, the seven subway in the Russia Federation was opened.

Volga Federal District
republic of Tatarstan

Advertising in Kazan and republic of Tatarstan
Advertising in Kazan and republic of Tatarstan