a request

Advertising in Chelyabinsk

Advertising on street

Bus stops
City boards
Boards 3×6

Advertising on transport

Buses, minibuses
Trolleybuses, trams

Advertising on digital screens

Screens on the walls and roofs of buildings

Advertising in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region

Chelyabinsk is the ninth most populous city in Russia. The population exceeds 1.1 million people. One of the biggest industrial centers in Russian Federation. Significant transport hub. Basis of industry: engineering and metalworking, metallurgy, electrical and instrumentation. Developed light and food industries. HideRead more

Types of urban transport in Chelyabinsk: buses (55 routes), trams (15 routes), trolley buses (16 routes). Mini buses ply around city and suburb (more than 110 routes). Railway station "Chelyabinsk-Main" is the center of railway transportation, a major hub of Transsib, Not far from the center of Chelyabinsk is located international civilian airport "Balandino". Subway is constructed In Chelyabinsk.

Ural federal district
Chelyabinsk region

Advertising in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region
Advertising in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region