a request

Advertising on mega sites (arches)

Mega site is a large two-sided outdoor advertising construction with inside illumination. It has the shape of a bridge or arch (hence the second name of this construction - Arch). Mega sites regard as so-called backbone construction, because they are established on multilane magistrals, highways. HideRead more

Mega sites are located at the entrances and exits to the city, nearby airports, on busy roads, near interchanges. Due to its location and the large size of the advertising field, mega sites attract the attention of motorists and passengers of vehicles. Advertising on arches is visible from a distance.

Mega sites can be: with static and dynamic advertising surface (often called prism, prizma-vision), which allow showing several (till 4) advertising images on one side.

Example of advertising on a megasite
Example of advertising on megaysite
Advertising on a megasite
List of cities in Russia, in which we place advertisements on megasites

Terms of advertising on mega sites

The cost of advertising placement on mega sites (arches) depends on

  • Region
  • Location
  • Season
  • Side
  • Duration of the placement

Cost of developing the layout

Average cost of making advertising mockups from 5 000 rub. (in view of VAT)

See also